Online NUST PRE-NET Mock Test Instructions 2018

Online NUST PRE-NET Mock Test Instructions 2018

NUST (National University Of Science And Technology) is ranked among the best institutes of Pakistan particularly for Engineering. Every year about 70,000 students apply for admission in NUST. Out of these only 1550 students are selected for Engineering programs, 450 for Business Studies/Social Sciences, 50 in Applied Bio-Sciences and 80 in Architecture/Industrial Design. Students compete really hard to get admission in NUST. Most of the students fail to score good marks in NUST because they keep on preparing the stuff which is not much important for NET. GLOBAL Entry Test (GET) now providing all kinds of preparatory material regarding NET Prepration with GLOBAL Online Test System With Nust Test Interface.Through which you can give test online exact same as you are giving your real NET at nust.After this test you feel confidence and you have no worry how to give computer base test at NUST.

GLOBAL Entry Test (GET) is most visited educational website. It helps the students at every level. All important MCQS are available on GET website for the convenience of the students. While attempting these GET-PRE-Entry Test Sessions, Students will become more competent and get all the required knowledge in the easiest way. 

ONLINE PRE-NUST NET Mock Test Instructions
GLOBAL Entry Test is now providing FREE Online Mock Test System,Before Starting Test ,Please kept in mind following points so you understand how our ONLINE Test system is working . 
First you will Log In with your User Name And Password

·        Please Only Start Test when you are fully prepared for full length 3 hour test.If you are not Prepared/Free for 3 hours Maximum time for our Online Mock Test, then we suggest you not start your test.
·        After pressing "Start Test" button, you must have to attempt at least 50% paper(i.e 100 questions out of 200) for submitting your paper, Otherwise you are not allowed to submit your Mock Test.
·        After attempting 100 questions you will start seeing "SUBMIT TEST" button at the bottom of test when you move on next subject.
·        Please remember, In our System, You can see back to your attempted question in the present section, But when you will move on next subject portion, then you are "NOT ALLOWED" to move back to previous subject paper.So we suggest to move forward by attempting questions very carefully.
·        Time allowed is 3 Hours.After 3 Hours, paper will submit automatically.BUT if you complete test before 3 hours then you can submit test by pressing bottom "SUBMIT TEST" button , and you will automatically redirect to our "RESULT Login" page.
·        On Result Login page, enter your user name and password.Then you can check How much questions you attempt "Correct" , "Wrong" , "Unattempt" as well as you can see your total marks Obtained out of 200, and your Test Percentage.
·        One important thing you will see on bottom of result page is "Your Position" that describe your position in all candidates who submitted test on our system.
·        You can attempt as many MOCK TEST as you can for your practice and improvement in your position among other candidates.
·        Our 1st NET Mock Test continue 1 week.Further next Mock Test notice will display on our website.So please keep visiting our website for latest updates.


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